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4 Distinctions of the Two Largest Religions in the World

When crisis comes, take the time to grieve, fast, and pray.

Palm Sunday not only prepares us for Easter, it also prepares us for the return of Jesus.

God remembers His people as they wait in crisis.

We have good, accurate, and trustworthy translations of the Bible today.

As we continue to deal with the coronavirus, keep in mind these 5 ways to keep your faith: Fear Not Acknowledge Christ's Power Invest in Others Take Care of Yourself Hope for Revival

Running a race takes relentless determination and effort. Paul gives Christians 4 things to do to run the race that God has marked out for us.

Whether Christians live or die, we have a win-win situation. To live is Christ, to die is gain.

When we think about God, we must no longer think, “God-to-me is like…” but rather, “God-in-the-Bible is like…” Don’t see God how you want to see Him. See God as He actually is through His Word.

As we immerse ourselves in Scripture, our worries will disperse.

It only takes a few words to dramatically change someone's life.

"We need to remember that not-yet Christians are not the enemy; they are victims of the enemy." -- Doug Pollack

Jesus gives us many convincing proofs that He rose again from the dead. The resurrection is essential to our faith.

It's good for you to have exhausting days, more mouths to feed, and a tighter schedule.

Having love for the person you're impatient with will help you overlook the things that irritate you about them.

A heart of thanksgiving will kill a heart of discontentment.

"Men weren't designed to rust out but to wear out." - Dennis Rainey

Heaven is a fun, beautiful, and perfect place where God dwells.

The Church is the people not the buildings.

Who is the Holy Spirit? What does the Holy Spirit do?

Jesus and judgment are coming soon. Be prepared!

The Ascension has incredible implications for Christians. Let's talk about it more!

Hell is an eternal separation from God that is filled with fire, darkness, and sorrow.

The cross screams out, "Mission Accomplished!"

If God made a grand exit out of this world, don't you think He would make a grand entrance into this world?

Jesus Christ is truly God.

Believing in a powerful and personal God will make your life purposeful.

Beware of drifting. Pay close attention to God's ways.

In the midst of a tragic fire, our community has responded with resiliency.

The miracle baby we celebrate at Christmas was like no other baby in all of human history.

After a much-heated Presidential race, where do Christians go from here?

God's Riches at Christ's Expense

The Church is the only place that will provide a family who will help you with life's struggles and truth that will help you with life's questions.

My experience training in the Air Force in Officer Training School.

The battle between a life consumed by the riches of wealth vs. a life consumed by the riches or Christ.

The Bible gives us ways to spot a phony preacher and teacher.

Christians need to vote for the candidate who best represents moral and political values consistent with Biblical teaching.

No amount of money will compensate for loneliness.

I'm not afraid. Neither should you be.

The goal of helping people is to empower them not enable them.

Simply looking horizontally gets you nowhere. The vertical must be on our horizon.

No matter your age, you can make a difference in the lives of others if you watch your life and doctrine closely.

We give God excuses when the thrill is gone and the value is forgotten.

If people understood the value of Church, they may not want to leave It.

On my visit to Greece, I saw first-hand what God is doing through His church impacting lives for Christ and helping the refugees who enter its land.

As you parent, focus on generational faithfulness by teaching your kids how to honor you, you parents, and other adults.

A committed follower of Jesus aspires to have a head for truth, a heart for Christ, and hands to serve Him.

When the Tennessee Volunteers lost to the Florida Gators on Saturday, my disappointment turned into anger. Not good.

Mentoring changes cultures, breaks cycles, and instills confidence in people.

Our nation doesn't need anymore cultural or fanatical "Christians" who bear bad fruit. Our nation needs genuine Christians who bear the good fruits of the Spirit.

10 Realizations That Help You Know You're Getting Old

Hell is a fiery, dark, and bottomless pit where there is eternal judgment for those who don't confess their sin to and put their trust in Jesus.

Heaven is a beautiful and joyful place.

Desiring money is not bad, over-desiring money is.

"You don't get ulcers from what you're eating, you get ulcers from what's eating you."

The Bible teaches that life starts at conception, and the unborn must be protected.

What is transgenderism, what does the Bible say about it, what are the facts, and how should Christians respond?

"A leader is someone who has the courage to say publicly what everybody else is whispering privately." -- Andy Stanley

Christians can choose to withdraw, accommodate, or engage culture. Which is correct?

As the infatuation phase wears off, the maturation phase turns on.

Don't isolate, communicate.

There is no latitude with platitudes.

We can't be good at everything, but we can be good at something.

Where has all the time gone?

When it comes to our feelings, do you stuff your feelings in, or do you dump your feelings out?

Same Sex Marriage would negatively impact traditional marriages & children as well as homosexuals themselves.

Houston, we have a commitment problem.

Unfortunately, Christians spend a lot of time debating the non-essentials, forgetting what unites them in the first place.

Money is the biggest cause of stress in America today.

Just because divorce is easy to do, it doesn't make it right.

The topic of pain and suffering is something we all wrestle with from time to time.

What does the Bible say about couples living together before marriage?

There are 7 passages in the Bible that speak on homosexuality.

Jesus said, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes the Father except by Me."

What do you do when you face a big decision?

Are you respecting or neglecting your spouse?

Don't buy into the lie that it's a curse to be single.

We are restless and distracted.

The things of Jesus Christ are what makes a man a man.

A response of the State of the Union regarding taxes.

Before we had kids, people used to tell Stephanie & me all kinds of advice. Now that we have kids, there have been a lot of surprises along the way.

Depression has become a worldwide epidemic. Our culture tells us that you must always be positive and in control of your emotions. But what if you're struggling with fear, pain, loneliness, or grief?

According to the Christmas story, a baby leaped for joy in the womb.

Is there someone in your family who you walk on eggshells around? Are there certain topics that you avoid? Is there a problem that hasn't been addressed?

Is December 25th Christmas Day? Was Jesus born in a barn? Were there 3 Kings?

We are replaceable at work but irreplaceable at home. -- Jim Coffield

The secret to serving is: Awareness and compassion leads to action.

The person who has stopped being thankful has fallen asleep in life. -- Robert Louis Stevenson

The biggest deficit America is facing today is The Dad Deficit.

The alternative to discipline is disaster. -- Donald S. Whitney